Thursday, December 8, 2011

Drawing Lips

As you way know, we talk so much in our lives, at an average of 16,000 words per day! So in art, mouths should be important too right? In anime, mouths are usually drawn at just lines with almost no lip, but sometimes a small line under the mouth to signify the end of the lower lip. Today I am mostly going to talk about realistic lips.

Tips for drawing lips:

-First decide what kind of lips you want. There are the overbloated lips like Rosie Huntington-Whitley who appeared in the Transformers 3 movie

Or small thin lips, or a more normal sized medium
-Then when drawing these, remember the indent of the lip caused by the philtrum. Many peopl tend to forget this, but it is alos a huge part that makes the shape of the lip.

-When adding color, the original color of the lip is going to be a lot closer to the person's skin tone than you think (unless they are wearing lipstick or gloss).

-Near the edges of the mouth, it is still a dark area because of the overlap of you upper and lower lips, so remember to make that little end dark too!

Here is a video to show you how you can digitally make lips too!


  1. I loved this! I'm no artist, but I love watching other people draw. I LOVE lips. I, myself, have very plump lips. So much so, that I get made fun of because my upper lip tends to naturally flip upward, like people artificially do when they are about to kiss someone. What can I say? I can't help it! However, that video was so awesome! I loved watching it! The music was cool too! I liked that tidbit of information about how the natural color of our lips is very close to our skin color. I would have never guessed that because I always thought our lips were more pink-ish. I guess that could be because I like wearing more red-tinted lip gloss! But, at the same time, this makes a lot of sense, because when I think my lips make me look too pale, I lick them to give them more color! If you scroll down on your link about the philtrum, you'll see a little Jewish myth. I thought that was really cute (just saying)! Anyway, lips are a beautiful part of the body, and you're an amazing artist (once again, just saying)! Thanks for sharing your amazing insight with us (the readers)!

    1. Your lips are so cute though! Pish, I don't see how anyone could make fun of you!!! In any case, I also liked the jewish myth thing at the end, I remember talking about that once in sunday school class. It's just a cute little tiddle. :)
